Samuel Stevens
Why Look? (Selected Stories Programme Part Four)
17th – 27th November 2011
Opens Thursday 17th November 6-8pm
SCREENING: 17th November at 8pm
Runs Wed – Sat 12-6pm
Samuel Stevens brings together a collection of works originating from political and social realities, such as conflict in the Middle East and economic migration that questions the presentation of subjects, often moderated and prejudiced by ‘endorsed’ forms of representation such as journalism and news media.
The visual language established in Stevens’ work presents the audience with critical yet often poetic forms in film, video and photography. Recurrent themes connect visual codes of landscape, borders and migration with more orthodox forms of documentation and reportage such as journalism and political dogma.
His short films have been exhibited internationally including the Whitechapel Gallery, 10th Istanbul Biennial, Tapei Museum of Modern Art, Serpentine Cinema, OVNI, Barcelona and Frieze film. His most recent film Atlantropa commissioned by Film London won Best False Fiction Jury Award at the Ann Arbor Film Festival 2010. Stevens has also contributed to various publications such as Fresh Moves (Thames & Hudson) and Eight Metaphors (Lux) and has published two limited DVD/Book sets When I Sit Down to Write and Three Films on Language – Integration/Internationalism/Nationalism.
A short documentary screening will accompany the opening night – 8pm sharp!
Curated by Feargal Ward.
This show is part of the Selected Stories Programme curated by the Joinery and supported by the Arts Council.
The Selected Stories Project is a five-part project curated by the Joinery from this September to January of next year. The project will be made up of five individual shows and will include talks and screenings, bringing together a range of artists, curators and writers whose work engages with, and challenges perceptions of ‘the real’. The project will culminate in a publication of essays, writings and interviews by invited writers : Rebecca O’Dwyer and Sean O’Sullivan.