in|discussion – Richard Kearney

Narrative and Catharsis
Richard Kearney

6.30pm Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Lecture Room G6, School of Art Design and Printing
DIT, 41 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1

Next up in the DIT’s excellent in|discussion series of talks is philosopher Richard Kearney. Full details as follows:

Richard Kearney holds the Seelig Chair of Philosophy at Boston College and has served as a Visiting Professor at University College Dublin and the University of Paris. He is the author of over twenty books on European philosophy and literature (including two novels and a volume of poetry) and has edited or co-edited eighteen more. Recent publications include a trilogy entitled ‘Philosophy at the Limit’. The three volumes are On Stories (Routledge, 2002), The God Who May Be (Indiana UP, 2001) and Strangers, Gods, and Monsters (Routledge, 2003). Since then, Richard Kearney has published Debates in Continental Philosophy (Fordham, 2004), The Owl of Minerva (Ashgate, 2005), Navigations (Syracuse University Press, 2007) and Anatheism (Columbia, 2009).Richard Kearney is international director of the Guestbook Project–Hosting the Stranger: Between Hostility and Hospitality.

This talk will address the role of storytelling as a cathartic and therapeutic process. Beginning with Aristotle’s understanding of catharsis in the ‘Poetics’ it will then explore a number of examples from ancient myth and folktale to contemporary debates on the role of narrative in psychoanalysis, holocaust testimony and art.

All are welcome to this free event.

To secure your place, please book by email:

in|discussion a forum on contemporary issues and current research in typography, art, design, material culture, critical theory, pedagogy, philosophy, society and technology. Updates on the lecture series at: