Future Perfect – Call For Submissions

Future Perfect | Call for Submissions
Deadline: 11am, 2nd November 2012

Future Perfect is a open submission exhibition to be held at the Hugh Land addressing the theme of the future and/or the lack of same. Looks like a really interesting opportunity. The following information is from Visual Artists Ireland:

The future and the lack of has been citied as the basis for a number of exhibitions in Ireland and Europe in the last year. Ideas concerning the Modernist project, Idealism and Utopia from a post-Post-Modern position have come into common circulation amongst artists. But can we still envision a future? Using the linguistic classification of Future Perfect as a starting point and as a play on words, we are asking artists to submit work or proposals that investigate or respond to all of the aforementioned ideas. This will (ideally!) include political, philosophical, aesthetic, and historical concerns.

Artists in all mediums (including performance and painting) are invited to submit work and proposals for work for an exhibition at the Hugh Lane Dublin City Gallery, Gallery 8. The exhibition will be up for 1 week. Work will be chosen based on its feasibility, artistic quality and its relevance to the theme. 2D work should be easily hung and we ask that the time constraints be taken into consideration, but other than that, there are no limitations to the size or scope of work. The exhibition will be adjudicated by Jim Ricks as impartially as possible.

Submission process: Send a tweet with image and/or link to @therealjimricks or alternatively an email proposal no longer than 140 characters with a single image and/or link can be sent to jimricks@gmail.com. The submission fee is €2 and must be paid with a €2 coin. Please post this fee separately to Jim Ricks, Studio 3, Temple Bar Gallery & Studios, 5 – 9 Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland. All submissions with fee are due before 11am November 2nd, 2012.

About Hugh

Hugh McCabe is a student on the MA Art In The Contemporary World.