Adrian Duncan – Talk in Monster Truck

Adrian Duncan talks about his exhibition, How the Mighty have fallen, tomorrow in Monster Truck.

There will be a brief reading, then a chat about the work at 4.30pm on Thursday the 17th.

How the Mighty have fallen is a body of work comprising a video piece and an assemblage of objects.

The sculptures are delicate, temporary, and in some cases barely perceptible constructions. These objects are installed in a manner that relates to the Monster Truck gallery space and its location. This work creates a situation that brings to bear the instability of the concept in relation to another unstable construction – the fleeting and unspeakable individual physical encounter.

This work sits between story-telling and sculpture. It is an attempt to describe something about compulsion and my interaction with material.

Variations of the work has been shown in The Joinery in 2010, and Queen Street Studios, Belfast in 2011. This work continuously changes, and the variation for Monster Truck will shift in emphasis conceptually, architecturally, and aesthetically relative to the previous two versions.

About Hugh

Hugh McCabe is a student on the MA Art In The Contemporary World.