Space Of Appearance: Sunday Exhibition Schedule

The first part of our Space Of Appearance event is now done and dusted. Our 32 participants gathered in the Joinery last night and over the course of a slightly chaotic evening of debate and argument they selected the one thing that will form the basis of our exhibition programme on Sunday. The object that emerged victorious in the end was Denis Kehoe’s marionette. We’d like to thank our participants for bringing their objects and for entering so enthusiastically into the spirit of the evening. Big thanks are also due to everyone who came and watched the proceedings. Last but not least we extend our deepest gratitude to our MC for the evening, the inimitable Robert Jecht, without whose administrations it would certainly have been a quite different event.

Our exhibition programme for Sunday 10th of February is as follows. It kicks off at 12 and will continue on until 9 in the evening so everyone is welcome to drop in whenever they like and stay for as long as they want.

Space Of Appearance
Sunday 10th of February 12PM-9PM
The Joinery, Arbour Hill, Dublin 7

12-1pm Sara O’Brien
“It is but one fragment…”

For one hour, thirty-two different objects will sit amidst a collection of references and be variously reconfigured within the exhibition space. This will allow a confluence of diverse associations and contextual possibilities that people may draw from to make sense of these objects – both individually and collectively. This short exhibition plays on the multiplicity and instability of meaning that objects can evoke, drawing on the poststructuralist idea of meanings as ‘myths’, which are constructed and then continually reconstructed. The meanings attributed to these objects will thus be contingent upon each individual’s own points of reference and the specific moment in which they encounter the object(s).

1-2pm Roisin Hackett
The Language in a Thing

The curator will act as a plinth for the object. As the plinth she will talk about the object for her hour-long show. The curator’s human experience of the object will be contested and the object will be analysed as a thing in itself.

2-3pm Ciara Hickey

From the French provenir, “to come from”, the word provenance refers to the chronology of ownership or location of an object from its point of discovery/ creation to the present day. This contextual information is used to establish the authenticity and assign value to an object. This information is often enhanced by stories or unverifiable accounts of the object.

This hour long event will highlight the aspect of storytelling, mythmaking and fictions that are involved within the process of authenticating and assigning value to objects. These notions of provenance, ownership and storytelling will be posed in relation to contemporary art.

3-4pm Hugh McCabe
Objects and Arthood

Recent years have seen an increased interest in philosophical notions from speculative realism concerning the nature of the object among artists, curators and writers on art. In this panel discussion we will ask what it is that approaches such as Graham Harman’s Object Oriented Philosophy (OOP) offer the artworld. Is this a passing fad driven by a desire to be hitched to the latest theoretical bandwagon, or do OOP and its philosophical cousins offer a genuinely useful set of conceptual tools to help us in the task of making, curating and thinking about art?

Participants: Adrian Duncan, Paul Ennis, Barbara Knezevic and Isabel Nolan
Chaired By: Hugh McCabe

4-5pm Maeve-Ann Austen
Same, Same, But Different

“Its easy to assume people are conforming when we witness them all choosing the same option, but when we choose that very option ourselves, we have no shortage of perfectly good reasons for why we just happen to be doing the same thing as those other people; they mindlessly conform, but we mindfully choose”. – Sheena Iyengar, The Art of Choosing

5-6pm Clare Turley
Close Encounter with an Alluring Object of a Very Contentious Nature

This exhibition is designed for those who wish to take a closer look at an object of some mystery and contention. The staging, which incorporates additional possessions, acknowledges our conflicting inclinations to both parade and protect cherished objects. It further raises the question of whether we can assume another’s perceptions of an object and appreciate in it the same qualities they do.

6-7pm Suzanne Walsh

Deep in its interior,
What dreams of ashy origin,
stir the shadows of its end,
what flickers back and forth
between withdrawn and unseen?
Consume tomorrow’s order
Exhaust desire’s ruin
And when the trap is opened,
Let the bait transcend.

7-8pm Renata Pekowska
Trace of Appearance

“In contrast to the historian, who looks for design and causality, the antiquarian searches for material evidence of the past. Yet at the same time, the antiquarian searches for an internal relation between past and present which is made possible by their absolute disruption. Hence his or her search for is primarily an aesthetic one, an attempt to erase the actual past in order to create an imagined past which is available for consumption.”
S. Stewart ‘On Longing’

8-9pm Laura Masi
Passages of Dust and Display

“Dust brings a little of the world into the enclosed quarters of objects. Belonging to the outside, the exterior, the street, dust constantly creeps into the sacred arena of private spaces as a reminder that there is no impermeable boundaries between life and death.” Celeste Olalquiaga, The Artificial Kingdom, 1998.

The urban environment reveals a curious tradition of private displays made public through the presentation of objects within windows. These objects sit in view of those who pass by and probably become forgotten and motionless as they collect dust. Just as decaying buildings, the kitschy objects placed in windowsills share a bond of being neglected yet still having permanence. This one-hour exhibition explores the blurring of private and public display while emphasizing modes of personal expression through fetishlike objects within the urbanized domestic realm. Many of the objects and structures we neglect yet internally value, provide comforting pleasure due to its mere existence, even after the dust settles.

About Hugh

Hugh McCabe is a student on the MA Art In The Contemporary World.