Update: We will be starting at 10:30 in the IFI cafe on Eustace St. Not Braadstone as stated below!
Students and tutors of the ACW Masters@Visual Culture NCAD are joining Brian Dillon and Jeremy Millar from the RCA, London and their students of Critical Writing for a Day-ennial on Tuesday 16th of April 2013.
The day will include viewing exhibitions, with the opportunity to discuss the displayed work with the curators, and visiting artists studios. There is a considerable diversity of work on show in Dublin at the moment ranging from that of prestigious, established international and Irish artists to new emerging artists.
10am: Broadstone Studios: Visits
11am: IMMA @Earlsfort Terrace: Tino Sehgal.
12pm: RHA: ‘SKIN: An Artistic Atlas‘: includes John Coplans, Robert Ballagh,
Andres Serrano, Sigalit Landau, Jeanne Silverthorne, Jessica Robbins, Gwen
Hardie, Marlene Dumas, Barrie Cooke, Dorothy Cross, Phillip Pearlstein,
Robert Mapplethorpe, Nicholas Nixon, Hannah Wilke, Cara Phillips, Cecily
Brennan, Byron Kim, Mary Kelly, Ariana Page Russell, Shirin Neshat, Spencer
Tunick, Dennis Oppenheim
1pm lunch
2pm: Douglas Hyde Gallery: Ben Rivers & Simone Kappeler. Director John
Hutchinson or one of the staff from the gallery will come and say a few
3pm: Temple Bar Gallery: Seamus Nolan plus studio visit(s).
4.30pm: Project Arts Centre: Tessa Giblin talk.
5pm: Kevin Kavanagh Gallery: Paul McKinley.