Dublin Day-ennial 2013 NCAD/RCA

Update: We will be starting at 10:30 in the IFI cafe on Eustace St. Not Braadstone as stated below!

Students and tutors of the ACW Masters@Visual Culture NCAD are joining Brian Dillon and Jeremy Millar from the RCA, London and their students of Critical Writing for a Day-ennial on Tuesday 16th of April 2013.

The day will include viewing exhibitions, with the opportunity to discuss the displayed work with the curators, and visiting artists studios. There is a considerable diversity of work on show in Dublin at the moment ranging from that of prestigious, established international and Irish artists to new emerging artists.


10am: Broadstone Studios: Visits

11am: IMMA @Earlsfort Terrace: Tino Sehgal.

12pm: RHA: ‘SKIN: An Artistic Atlas‘: includes John Coplans, Robert Ballagh,
Andres Serrano, Sigalit Landau, Jeanne Silverthorne, Jessica Robbins, Gwen
, Marlene Dumas, Barrie Cooke, Dorothy Cross, Phillip Pearlstein,
Robert Mapplethorpe, Nicholas Nixon, Hannah Wilke, Cara Phillips, Cecily
, Byron Kim, Mary Kelly, Ariana Page Russell, Shirin Neshat, Spencer
, Dennis Oppenheim

1pm lunch

2pm: Douglas Hyde Gallery: Ben Rivers & Simone Kappeler. Director John
Hutchinson or one of the staff from the gallery will come and say a few

3pm: Temple Bar Gallery: Seamus Nolan plus studio visit(s).

4.30pm: Project Arts Centre: Tessa Giblin talk.

5pm: Kevin Kavanagh Gallery: Paul McKinley.