Call for a female actor between the ages of 18-35/40 to perform a one off 20 minute monologue by the artist Josph Noonan-Ganley.
The performed monologue is the central part of the artist Joseph Noonan-Ganley’s new work, which will be executed for I wont say I will see you tomorrow, Wittgenstein Project curated by Aoife Tunney at the Mermaid Arts Centre and Coilte Forest Redcross Wicklow in mid September 2013.
An ability and interest to work on voicing different types of text (in this case it’s theoretical, contemplative, emotional, theological and narrative) is essential.
Please get in contact to book in for an audition, for which a demonstration of your interest in voice work and working with different texts is essential.
Auditions: 26th and 27th August, Dublin city centre.
3 half day rehearsals: 11th, 12th, 13th September, Dublin city centre.
Performance as part of the exhibition opening: Saturday 14th September, Wicklow.A flat fee will be paid for preparation in anticipation of the 3 rehearsals and the performance.