
An Exhibition of work by Nollaig Molloy + Ruth Kerr

TACTIC Gallery, Sample Studios, 3rd Floor, Former Government Buildings, Sullivan’s Quay, Cork

Opening Thursday 19th March, 7pm
running from 20th March – 2nd April

heckle – to interrupt a public speech or performance with loud unfriendly statements or questions (Cambridge Dictionaries Online)

hɛkəl~s is an exhibition of work by visual artists Nollaig Molloy and Ruth Kerr. Both Nollaig and Ruth interrogate assumptions made about the world we live in through their art practice. Both artists employ a similar artistic method – they create their work through researching and actively experimenting with materials querying human perception.
Equivalently both artists have interdisciplinary practices. Their works in hɛkəl~s will subtly heckle the overlapping disciplines of art & craft and art & science, exploring the perception of the world we live in and questioning it’s nature; what is reality and what is fiction? hɛkəl~s will challenge and interrupt the accepted parameters of the material world, contemplating the physical structure of things.
Nollaig Molloy was born in 1989 and graduated from Sculpture at NCAD in 2012. Crafting and process are embedded in Nollaig’s practice. Questioning the things we take for granted in the everyday world, playing with our traditional notions of the worlds’ contents and commonplace materials. Creating sculptures and films that trick the viewer, she interrupts our quotidian sense of what we presume is true. Nollaig has recently exhibited in ‘HERE/NOW’ as part of Boyle Arts Festival, Roscommon and has participated in ‘Post Colony’ in Killarney National Park, a project initiated and devised by artist Gareth Kennedy. Based in Dublin, she is currently a member of Brunswick Mills Studios.

Currently doing a research masters in IADT, Ruth Kerr graduated from NCAD in 2012. Her work is concerned with the aesthetic elements of atomic force microscope scans and creates cellular landscapes as part of her practice. She plays with the concept of scientific truth, allowing the viewer to see a cancer cell from an altogether different perspective, as if we were dust motes floating on its surface. Her core research interests include the interdisciplinary juncture of art and science, ecofeminism and biopolitics. She has presented on her work at events such as the TCD Biopolitics conference and DATA 56.0 at the Science Gallery as well as hosting independently run events such as ‘Raster Vector Poly Point’ at the Drawing Project, Dun Laoghaire.
There will be two talks and discussions in conjunction with hɛkəl~s in order to foster discourse around the interdisciplinary aspects of the exhibition.
hɛkəl~s is curated by Róisín Power Hackett.

For more Info click https://www.facebook.com/TACTICart?fref=ts
Nollaig Molloy http://cargocollective.com/nollaigmolloy
Ruth Kerr http://kerrut.blogspot.ie/

Talks + Discussions

1. Ways of Curating: Curation and Interdisaplinary Art
Thursday 26th March, 7pm
Talk by curator Róisín Power Hackett
Examining how curators work with artists, the different roles of the curator and the ways of curating interdisciplinary art, this talk will be a personal view on my experience curating and will inquire into how one forms a curatorial practice.

2. Art, Science and Virtual Reality: Interdisciplinary Visualisations
Closing night – Thursday 2nd April, 7pm
Talk by artist Ruth Kerr
This talk will explore the practice of working in the interdisciplinary juncture of art and science. The development of imaging processes to visualise the cellular landscapes of cancer will also be investigated in this talk as a means of identifying key aspects of interdisciplinary practice.