Launch Of Enclave Review, Issue 6

Issue 6 of Enclave Review will be launched at 6pm on Wednesday 3rd October in The Oval Pub, South Main Street, Cork. It is edited by Ed Krčma and Fergal Gaynor and features the following articles and reviews:

Feature Article:

Prof. David Lloyd on Peter Manson’s new translations of Mallarmé

Exhibition Reviews:

Fergal Gaynor on Crawford 100, Cork
Klara Kemp-Welch on 10 x 10: See You There, Wrocław
Rachel Warriner on Angela Fulcher, Cork
Jimmy Cummins on Joe Brainard, New York
Francis Halsall on A MacGuffin and Some Other Things, Dublin
Mia Lerm Hayes on Before the Law, Cologne
Sarah Hayden on David Zink Yi, Berlin
Gemma Carroll on Flotsam and Jetsam, Cork
Sarah Kelleher on The Suspension of History, Cork
Ed Krčma and David Brancaleone on eva International, Limerick
Rowan Sexton on Maria McKinney, Belfast
Adrian Duncan on Aleana Egan, Dublin

Enclave Review is available free, but a subscription service is also available for the magazine. If you would like to subscribe (it costs €5 for a year’s supply to an address in Ireland, £5 for Britain, €6 for the EU – please ask for other destinations), just email them at and you will be sent a Paypal invoice.

About Hugh

Hugh McCabe is a student on the MA Art In The Contemporary World.