Opening tonight: ACTIONS

25 January – 1 February 2014
Previews: 25 & 27 January
Monday – Saturday 8pm, Saturday matinee 2.30pm
Tickets: €18 – €22 / Conc. €13 – €18

Irish Modern Dance Theatre will bring ACTIONS – an evening of Men in Motion to the Peacock Stage. Firm favourite Actions is a sweeping and vigorous performance by two incredible dancers, Ashley Chen and Philip Connaughton (Alice in Funderland).

Irish Modern Dance Theatre will also perform the Irish Premiere of the stunning solo Totem Ancestor, created by Merce Cunnigham, one of the most important choreographers of our time. The Bowing Dance, a Beckett-like solo performed by John Scott and The Big Message, a frantic and funny new piece designed for rising star Kevin Coquelard.

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