BAUHAUS EFFECTS: A conference in Dublin, organised by the National College of Art and Design, University College Cork, University College Dublin and the Goethe Institut Dublin
7-9 February 2019
More details:
Keynote speakers include:
Prof. Heike Hanada, the architect of the Bauhaus Museum currently under construction in Weimar
Prof. Irit Rogoff, one of the initiators of the transdisciplinary field of Visual Culture and founder of the department at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Call for Papers
As the centenary of the founding of the Bauhaus approaches, we seek contributors to reflect on the legacy and resonances of the innovative artistic, architectural, design and teaching practices developed there.
Bauhaus Effects aims to assemble an interdisciplinary collection of papers that analyse the repercussions of the legendary Bauhaus school in the hundred years since its inception, considering the ways in which the broad range of practices — including material analysis, models of pedagogy, textile and wallpaper composition, theatre staging and costume design, photography, and interior systems – have transformed everyday experiences from the 1920s to the present day.
Bauhaus innovations and models of thought continue to resonate within the contemporary built environment, from chair construction to skyscraper design, from interior spaces to urban topographies, warranting a thorough, methodologically diverse studies of its effects a century after the school was founded.
Bauhaus Effects aims to investigate the continuing impact of the Bauhaus on an impressive range of contemporary practices across the globe. We propose that the Bauhaus was not just a radical art school but in fact initiated a fundamental paradigm shift in design culture whose import is ripe for assessment a century on.
We welcome papers from a wide range of perspectives, including urbanism, city and regional planning, architecture, drama and theatre studies, art school pedagogy, photo history, art history, contemporary art practice and theory, design history, corporate design and diaspora/exile studies.
Bauhaus Effects and Contemporary Art
We especially welcome proposals for contributions that relate to the practice and discourse of contemporary art. Given that this will be one of many conferences happening across the EU for the 100 year anniversary of the Bauhaus – for this particular contribution to the conference we feel at liberty to bypass those hegemonic legacies of the Bauhaus that might lead to historical or nationalist claims being celebrated without being problematized.
Hence, the contribution to the conference from the School of Visual Culture will be a strand in the programme that will consider the legacies of the Bauhaus in the context of contemporary art. We will interrogate alternative geographies and ways of working, thinking more about inhabitations of discipline and “school” such as the artist-teacher, radical pedagogies, student bodies, and so on.
Please submit a 300-word abstract and a 50 word biography by 1 July 2018 to:
Kathleen James-Chakraborty:
Francis Halsall:
Sabine Kriebel: