A Reluctant Mirage: An NCAD Art In The Contemporary World (ACW) MFA 2020 Graduates Exhibition, 2021

19th-28th February 2021, NCAD Gallery – LINK

Aoife Banks, Dominique Crowley, María del Buey, Brendan Fox, Seanán Kerr, Gráinne Murphy, Jessica Neville, Orlaith Phelan, Paul Roy

Image Detail: VITA (Virtual Isolated Terrestrial Area) group collaboration.
Photo: NCAD Gallery.

A Reluctant Mirage speaks to the cultural zeitgeist of detachment, virtuality, resistance, and ideological reshifting that has pervaded throughout the past year. In a time of global crisis, the struggle to create is challenging. A longing for the immediate past, and desire for the increasingly distant future, permeates our days. We exist in a collective limbo, both isolated and together at once. As the horizon shifts, our future dawns and sets in a haze of mere speculation. Amid this distortion, the churning of living has slowed to a cycle of existence. A Reluctant Mirage survives as a collective narrative, a resistant force that is propelled by a necessity to merely continue, to merely finalise, to merely squint at the vibrating horizon and draw a breath. 

The NCAD Gallery is very happy to continue to host the class of NCAD 2020 graduates through the academic year 2020-2021. This is an opportunity for NCAD to support the graduate class of 2020 in realising the culmination of their work and study they would have ordinarily presented in June of 2020.

We have devised a number of ways to access the content of A Reluctant Mirage virtually during Covid-19, and are also fortunate to take advantage of the architecture of the NCAD Gallery window facing onto Thomas Street, Dublin 8, where part of the exhibition can be viewed by our passing on-street audience.





* EXHIBITION: FRI, 19 FEB, 5PM (GMT) A Reluctant Mirage exhibition on-line video walk-through, available to view on the exhibition page & YouTube.
* EXHIBITION: Listen to Artist, Jessica Neville’s, The Influence of Music in Societal and Cultural Change, 2020, Podcast Voice Recordings Chapters 1, 2, & 3. 
* EXHIBITION: Listen to Curator, Orlaith Phelan’s reading of her response to Wolfgang Tilmans’ Rebuilding the Future exhibition (IMMA, 2019).


* EVENT: TUES, 23 FEB, 7PM (GMT), YouTubeArtists Seanán Kerr and Frank Wasser In Conversation and Q&A live broadcast. Featuring an introduction to Kerr’s film, ‘A Million Years Painting Watercolours, an educational Art film‘ followed by a live watch-along screening with the artists, and follow up live Q & A session. Audience members are encouraged to participate by writing questions and comments in the YouTube chat box. (A Million Years Painting Watercolours, an educational Art film is currently installed in the NCAD Gallery on view to our passing on-street audience.).

* EVENT: THURS, 25 Feb, 7PM (GMT), YouTube :I know you’re blind, but you’ve got to see this Artist Seanán Kerr In Conversation with panelists, Dr. Francis Halsall, Dr. Rachel O’Dwyer, C Derrick Varn, and Prof. Helena Sheehan. A panel discussion inquiry into Adam Curtis’ ‘Can’t get you out of my head‘ series (LINK). This event, the title in reference to dialogue from the hugely popular computer game, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, aims to thrust its panel from Curtis’ broad discussion of the series itself to explore the nature of making ‘art’ in the face of the zeitgeist. Questioning, can an artwork change the world? 
Audience members are encouraged to participate by writing questions and comments in the YouTube chat box.

* EVENT: FRI, 26 FEB, 1PM (GMT), YouTube :Annie Fletcher Director of IMMA (Irish Museum of Modern Art) In Conversation with A Reluctant Mirage exhibitors.




EXHIBITION TEAM A Reluctant Mirage   
A Reluctant Mirage Text: Aoife Banks, Brendan Fox & Group Collaboration.
V.I.T.A (Virtual Isolated Terrestrial Area) Group Collaboration: Dominique Crowley, María del Buey, Seanán Kerr, Paul Roy, Aoife Banks, Brendan Fox.
ACW Instagram Takeover: Paul Roy.
Curator: Anne Kelly, NCAD Gallery.
Exhibition Installation Assistant: John Kellegher (NCAD 2nd Paint Student), NCAD Gallery.

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