Brian Duggan at Rua Red

Opening: March 16th 6-7pm
Exhibition Runs: March 19th to April 28th

A new site specific installation called Three Lives by Brian Duggan will be at the Rua Red Gallery in Tallaght from March 16th.

From the Rua Red site:

Three lives is a new site specific installation in the cavernous Gallery 1 by Brian Duggan. The central structure will include a 40 foot maze which visitors must enter to see the exhibition.

Dissecting the volume of the unique gallery, this new work will continue the artist’s investigation into some central questions that underpin his practice in the past number of years. Unbalancing and unhinging the visitor from their comfortable frames of reference, the installation will introduce a wry unbalanced anxiety into the proceedings.

This totally new body of work is Duggan’s first solo exhibition since his ARP residency in the Irish Museum of Modern Art in 2011.

A publication and programme of public talks and discussions will be programmed for the length of the exhibition