Object Oriented Aesthetics and the Re-Materialization of the Art Object

Francis Halsall, co-director of MA Art in the Contemporary World will give a lecture at the Cranbrook Art Museum, Michigan, USA.

Tuesday | January 21 | 6pm
Francis Halsall

Spring 2014 Critical Studies Fellow
Object Oriented Aesthetics and the Re-Materialization of the Art Object
Sponsored by the Critical Studies and Humanities Program.

Francis Halsall’s research practice is situated across three main areas, the history, theory and practice of modern and contemporary art, philosophical aesthetics, and Systems-Thinking. He has published widely in both academic and more informal styles and catalogue essays, as well as participated in numerous public talks and discussions in all three areas. Francis Halsall is currently completing a short book called “Systems Aesthetics” and a major research project and book on Niklas Luhmann’s aesthetics.

watch it here
