Intangible Atmospheres: MFA ACW Exhibition

“(…) in an installation it is the body in its entirety which is asked to participate through its sensations, through vision obviously but also hearing, touch, on occasion smell. As if these artists, in the place of an “object” sought to place us in a space at the limits of the sacred, and asked us not to contemplate images but to communicate with beings. I had the impression that [the artists] were communicating this: that the ultimate aim of art is perhaps what was formerly celebrated under the term of incarnation. I mean by that a wish to make us feel, through the abstractions, the forms, the colours, the volumes, the sensations, a real experience” 

Kristeva Quoted in O’Sullivan, Art Encounters Deleuze and Guattari (2006), pp. 51

Intangible Atmospheres features works by Brian Cooney, Catherine Fay, Anna Keane, Liadh Kelleher, Lois Kelleher, Leda Scully and Isabella Utria Mago, reflecting upon processes of making in contemporary research practices. 

The exhibition gives form to mediums such as painting, sculpture, film, video, photography, sound, performance and print. The works are an attempt to embody phenomena as experienced in Worlds in continuous flux.

The exhibition originated from the ongoing research projects undertaken as part of the MFA programme, Art in the Contemporary World at the National College of Art and Design in Dublin.

Intangible Atmospheres is running from the 18th to the 22nd of April at the Solstice Arts Centre in Navan. More information available here.

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