Francis Halsall on Newstalk 106-108FM: The ‘History of Art Night School’ looks at Surrealism in art
In the early 1920s a new and bizarre style of art began to appear around the world. Inspired by dreams artists and writers began to create works of art that reflected the visions found in these wondrous worlds. Building on the work of the Dadaists, psychoanalysis, and other avant-garde schools this movement swept around the world changing music, language, art, film and literature as it went. The work of artists like Dali, Leonora Carrington, and Andre Breton continue to amaze and inspire today.
Patrick is joined by Dr Francis Halsall this Sunday as ‘Talking History’ looks at the Surrealist movement in the third instalment of our ‘History of Art Night School’. What exactly is Surrealism? What did people hope to achieve with Surrealist art? Why was it so popular? And what has its lasting legacy been?
[Image: ‘Object’ by Meret Oppenheim, 1936. Fur-covered cup, saucer, and spoon, Museum of Modern Art, New York. © 2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / Pro Litteris, Zurich]